Created by Dirk Manning
Dirk Manning's horror-noir series returns with a new volume, an Omnibus collecting Volumes 1-4 all in full color, and Cthulhu happens!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
More leatherbound goodness... and a RHEE update!
3 months ago
– Sat, Nov 09, 2024 at 10:19:49 AM
Hello friends!
If you haven't heard the news, I have been given the privilege and honor of partnering with Chaney Entertainment to bring the long lost Lon Chaney horror classic LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT back to life as a 140+ page graphic novel that's now already fully funded on Kickstarter... and we're offering a Kickstarter Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Edition of the book in the campaign, which is now fully funded and unlocking Stretch Goals HERE.
I think it'll look pretty darn good next to your Kickstarter Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Editions of TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE, don't you?
Plus, as an added bonus, TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 1 artist Joshua Ross drew this whole book... so you know it's gorgeous! Here's a peek:
If you haven't reserved your copy yet, take a moment to do so now at www.LondonAfterMidnightComic.comnow, friends. After all, there's always room for some more good vampire comics on our shelves, right?
And speaking of TALES OF MR. RHEE and vampires...
Illustrator Austin McKinley has shown me the layouts for the first batch of pages from TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 6. They're of course equally beautiful, kinetic, and terrifying.... which is exactly what's needed for this latest volume, in which Mr. Rhee finds himself going to war with a horde of blood-thirsty and vengeful) vampires.
This new volume may be my favorite volume of the series to date, I can't wait for you all to see it, I remain so exceptionally thankful to all of you for your continued support of this series... and everything I do. Thank you, friends! We'll talk more soon, I'm sure, especially as the time for RHEEv6 approaches in the spring...
Your friend in comics, Dirk Manning
Want more leather? (And an update on RHEEv6!)
6 months ago
– Sun, Aug 04, 2024 at 12:52:36 PM
Hello friends!
I hope this update finds you all doing RHEE-ly well this summer!
First and foremost, I wanted to let you all know that TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 6 is now officially on the publishing schedule for next year -- yay! Full production will be starting soon, so if you pledged for a cameo and haven't gotten me your photo references yet, PLEASE do so soon by emailing me directly at [email protected] ASAP!
That aside, given that we unlocked that fancy leatherbound edition of the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE, I wanted to make sure you were all aware of my latest graphic novel offering that has also been updated to a new Kickstarter Exclusive leatherbound edition: LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH.
LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH (which is an expanded and enhanced deluxe reprint of the long out-of-print LOVE STORIES (TO DIE FOR) graphic novel -- but now with two previously "lost" stories and more, totaling 50 PAGES OF NEW CONTENT!) is now live, fully funded, has already been upgraded via Stretch Goals to a red leatherbound-style limited edition hardcover with red gilded pages, a red ribbon bookmark, and a double-autographed bookplate! If that's all you need to know, you can go reserve your copy now at: www.LoveStoriesAboutDeath.com right now!
LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH is a collection of seven full-length genre-hopping stories that explore the intersections of love and death, with gorgeous art and plots that will tug at your heartstrings… and then tear them out!
Along with the red leatherbound edition of the book, we're offering T-shirts (in men and women's cuts) and more, too -- all with FREE U.S. SHIPPING! In other words, what you see is what you pay!
I'm RHEE-ly excited to be able to offer you all anoher leatherbound hardcover edition of one of my graphic novels (the only creator-owned book I've done that was never offered in hardcover edition -- until now), and as we wait for TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 6 next year, I hope you'll consider "treating yourself" to LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH now. After all, doesn't a horror anthology featuring full length stories featuring mermaids vs. pirates, vikings vs. vampires, astronauts vs. aliens and more -- all with a love twist -- sound enticing as we wait for some more horror noir?
If so, check out LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH now, join us in reserving your copy of this red leatherbound Kickstarter Exclusive graphic novel... and we'll talk soon!
Thanks all!
Your friend in comics, Dirk Manning
This new Kickstarter book is a RIOT (FORCE)!
8 months ago
– Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 08:59:17 PM
Hello my wonderful friends of TALES OF MR. RHEE... or would that be RHEE-ders?
Either way, I hope this quick note finds you all well, as I have some exciting news to share!
First off, TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 artist Austin McKinley recently read the full script for TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 6... and has officially signed-on to join me in bringing the book to life! Huzzah! I, like many of you, absolutely loved his artwork on RHEEv5, and I wrote RHEEv6 specifically with his style and story-telling sensibilities in mind, so this news delights me very much!
Before he starts up on that book, though, I'm excited to share that Austin has recently launched a Kickstarter for his creator-owned magnum opus graphic novel RIOT FORCE: TOOLS OF THE RICH, a 300-page cyber-tech action/adventure graphic novel filled with humor and compelling team-driven storytelling.
The Kickstarter campaign is already funded, offering backers a Kickstarter Exclusive wrap-around cover that won't be available again after the campaign ends, and the campaign has also already unlocked three Kickstarter Exclusive Stretch Goals and counting!
Here's a peek at the Kickstarter Exclusive wrap-around cover, and I encourage you all to go check out the campaign and pledge for a copy of the book HERE.
Seriously, friends, I've had the district pleasure of reading this whole graphic novel (which is fully written and illustrated by Austin), and it's absolutely fantastic. Featuring witty and action-packed writing, stunning art, and dynamic characters engaged in a compelling story, this book encapsulates all the best things comics and graphic novels should aspire to be... and you can learn more about it (and secure your copy) at www.RiotForceComic.comright now!
Thanks again, everyone. As Kickstarter supporters, I know you know how important and fundamental you are to the process of bringing original, creator-owned books to life... so thank you for making that possible with books like TALES OF MR. RHEE... and now RIOT FORCE.
www.RiotForceComic.com awaits you, friends! Go check it out and get your copy... and rest assured, both Austin and I will be in touch soon about RHEEv6 after the RIOT FORCE campaign ends!
Your friend in comics, Dirk Manning
If you like werewolves... join us before Monday!
11 months ago
– Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 05:59:47 PM
Like werewolves? Like westerns? If so, this is the new horror graphic novel for you!
Hello friends!
I just wanted to drop you all a quick note to let you know that HOMESTEAD, my Native American/Western werewolf graphic novel is now on Kickstarter!
Joining me on this 100-page original graphic novel is illustrator/co-creator Les Garner, Lakota Creative Consultant Rau Blackhawk, colorist Colin Johnson, letterer Dave Lentz, editor Drena Jo, and publisher Source Point Press.
As is the case with all of my Kickstarter campaigns, this is the only was to get the deluxe Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book -- and in this case, the EIGHT Stretch Goal bonus/upgrades (many of which revolve around the theme of "silver," of course) at www.HomesteadComic.com!
Like TALES OF MR. RHEE (which, by the way, has recently had the script enthusiastically approved by RHEEv5 artist Austin McKinley), HOMESTEAD is an equally emotionally investing and devastatingly terrifying horror graphic novel not about "good guys versus bad guys," but rather about how far two opposing families will go to protect their families and their intended way of life... including embracing "the spirit of the wolf."
We've even been selected as a "Project We Love" on Kickstarter!
HOMESTEAD is a project I've waited almost 20 years to bring to life, and I'm excited and honored to now be able to do so with this amazing creative team! Whether you're a fan of werewolves and/or westerns (or I daresay even just a fan of the graphic novels I write) I hope you'll all take a moment to check out the campaign atwww.HomesteadComic.com and consider joining us for this one.
I'm exceptionally proud of the work Les, Rau, Colin, Dave, and Drena Jo have done on this one, and I sincerely believe it's a book well-worthy of sitting of your shelves!
Thanks all! I hope you're doing well... and rest assured, RHEE will be RHEE-turning soon... ;)
Your friend in horror comics, Dirk Manning
If Mr. Rhee had a sister...
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 08:53:58 PM
It would be Hope... and there's only one week left to find out why on Kickstarter.
Stop me if you heard this one: A complex, isolated, and perhaps even blindingly stubborn character is locked in a battle with a society committed to misunderstanding them.
If you're thinking to yourself "Hey... that's set-up of TALES OF MR. RHEE," you'd be right, of course... but it's also the set-up of HOPE, a book that many people mistakenly identify as "Dirk Manning's superhero comic."
HOPE is not a superhero comic, but rather it's a book about a superhero -- and yes, there's a major difference.
If that's all you need to know to get in on the action for the Kickstarter of the new volume of HOPE, head over to www.AHeroForHope.com to get your Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book (and perhaps even more) today, ad there's only one week left in the campaign!
HOPE tells the story of what happens when a mother who moonlights as a superhero is forced to reveal her secret identity to the world in order to protect her family during a car accident. Volume 1 deals with the immediate fallout of this, and in Volume 2 we now see the villains now amassing an assault against her under the guidance on the criminal mastermind The Final Boss.
Jen King of The EXP recently said of this series “HOPE is to superhero comics what THE WALKING DEAD is to zombie stories -- it's more about the people and the circumstances they're trying to overcome," and, well, I couldn't say it better myself.
HOPE, like TALES OF MR. RHEE, is exciting, emotionally investing, and will have you both cheering for and sometimes yelling at the same characters over the course of the story... and you'll probably cry a little bit here and there, too. Fair warning.
We’re offering FREE U.S. SHIPPING on this campaign and have currently unlocked SEVEN STRETCH GOALS so far, including a wrap-around variant cover exclusive to the KS Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book, so I encourage you to head over to www.AHeroForHope.com today and jump in at the pledge level that speaks to you the most. Don't wait, as there's only ONE WEEK LEFT in the campaign!
Oh... and how about a major TALES OF MR. RHEE update, too?
Scripting has officially begun on TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 6... and I'm really, RHEE-ly excited about this one, friends.
If you backed to be drawn into the book, please check for the survey I sent you and get me the information I need, OK, as we'll be starting the art soon and I want to make sure we capture your likeness exactly as you intend!
Thanks again, everyone! I hope this update finds you well (no pun intended) and look forward to seeing you over on the HOPE campaign, too. Like I said, if you love TALES OF MR. RHEE, you'll find a lot to love in HOPE, too.