

Created by Dirk Manning

Dirk Manning's horror-noir series returns with a new volume, an Omnibus collecting Volumes 1-4 all in full color, and Cthulhu happens!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal #6 unlocked! That's TWO Bonus Stories!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 07:17:45 PM

The sharing is working, friends!

A few hours ago we just unlocked the SIXTH Stretch Goal, unlocking a digital edition of the second *Kickstarter Exclusive* Bonus Story... and this is a RHEE-ly special one, friends. Seriously.

"It's A Long Way to the Top" is the first time I've ever collaborated with an artist to write a short story in the old-school "Marvel Method," which, for the uninitiated, goes like this:

  •  Austin McKinley and I discussed a loose plot for a bonus story about the background of the band No More Hope from RHEEv5 (non-spoiler: they're the ones who want to re-summon Cthulhu)
  • Austin then drew the whole story, laying it out visually with no script past our discussion
  • I was then given the final pages to write dialogue and narration for accordingly

Here's a non-spoiler sample page he presented to me as an example:

In "It's a Long Way to the Top," Cthulhu is up to his old tricks again...

So, for those of you keeping track at home, all Stretch Goal eligible pledge levels now include:

  • A free TALES OF MR. RHEE sticker
  • A double-signed *Kickstarter Exclusive* TALES OF MR. RHEE bookplate
  • Every bookplate now includes a remark headsketch by RHEEv5 illustrator Austin McKinley
  •  TALES OF MR. RHEE Digital Bonus Comic Story #1: "Friends in Low Places" illustrated by Senk Chhour 
  •  TALES OF MR. RHEE Digital Bonus Comic Story #2: "It's a Long Way to the Top" illustrated by Austin McKinley

The next Stretch Goal will be including both these stories (along with a few more extras, I imagine, in a PRINT *Kickstarter Exclusive* Bonus Comic... and after that we then move into the Round Three Stretch Goals, which all revolve around a James O'Barr signed TALES OF MR. RHEE print!

Oh, and then we move towards the free TALES OF MR. RHEE: "Punch All Monsters" video game. Yes... RHEE-ly!


Seriously, friends... your passion and enthusiasm for this project, and most importantly, your sharing of the campaign with your horror-loving friends is what's unlocking all these free Stretch Goal upgrades. If you don't mind, continue to share this link directly with people who may be interested in adding some great horror noir Cthulhu Mythos comics to their life -- with FREE U.S. SHIPPING and SIX STRETCH GOALS AND COUNTING to boot:

Thanks again, everyone. Truly. I am so grateful to all of you, and I look forward to continue to paying it forward to all of you as this campaign continues... so let's keep this amazing momentum going together!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Funded in under 13 hours! You rock! Here's what's next!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 07:39:21 PM

10 hours and 13 minutes.

That's how long it took all of you to bring TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 and the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE to life!

Back in 2016 I took a big leap of faith by launching the NIGHTMARE WORLD OMNIBUS, and that campaign absolutely blew-up by hitting $13,000 in 13 days. This campaign has just passed that mark in under 13 HOURS... and I'm still blown away. Thank you for your support. Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for everything.

Here's what's next:

More Add-Ons! More Limited Pledge levels!

Before posting update I got several suggestions for some additional Add-On options, including:

  • The softcover TPB edition of RHEEv5 
  • A few copies of the NIGHTMARE WORLD BIBLE (limit one per person)
  • Digital Editions of RHEEv5 and the RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE 

Given how quickly the "Now I'm Famous" (get drawn into the book) option sold-out, I've added an "I'm Famous Too" pledge level that will allow also allow you to be drawn in to the book as well as get everything at the "Gimme Everything" level. It will be very difficult for me to add a third round of this Pledge Level, so if you want to be drawn-in, adjust your pledge accordingly sooner than later and use the "Add-On" option to add-on anything else you want accordingly.

The Stretch Goal Party Begins!

Now that we're funded... the Stretch Goal Party begins! This is where is gets fun, friends!

The Round One Stretch Goals are now available!

The Round One Stretch Goals get you stickers, a double-signed book plate, and an original art remark by TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 illustrator Austin McKinley!

As I'm typing this we're already within striking distance of the first Round 1 Stretch Goal (the new RHEE sticker), and after that we move into the signatures and the head sketch! Round Two will then unlock Kickstarter Exclusive Bonus stories and a bonus Kickstarter Exclusive Comic... and it will all be leading to a free and downloadable TALES OF MR. RHEE video game for everyone who's pledge includes, at least, the TALES OF MR. RHEE hardcover or the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE book.

The best and fastest way to start unlocking Stretch Goals is to share the link to the campaign telling people why they will be interested in backing it. Should you choose to share, please use this link:

Thanks all! I most sincerely appreciate your support of this campaign so very much and look forward to being in touch again soon to celebrate unlocking Stretch Goals together!

Seriously... RHEE-ly... THANK YOU!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

P.S. -- I'll be at Baltimore Comic Con at the Source Point Press booth this Friday and Saturday, and then in Artist Alley at Cherry Capital Comic Con in Traverse City for Halloween Weekend Friday through Sunday! If you'll be at either show, be sure to come by and say "Hello" at least, yeah?

Five Stretch Goals Unlocked in Six Days! Yes, RHEE-ly! And have you joined the CULT OF DRACULA yet?
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 06:39:54 AM


Hey all!

Earlier today we unlocked the FIFTH Stretch Goal on this campaign! This means every eligible pledge now includes, for free:

  • A TALES OF MR. RHEE sticker
  • A *Kickstarter Exclusive* double-signed bookplate (signed by me and RHEEv5 illustrator Austin McKinley)
  • Each bookplate will now get a remarked headsketch by Austin
  • A digital copy of the first of two potential *KS Exclusive* bonus TALES OF MR. RHEE stories

The first story is "Friends in Low Places," written by me and illustrated by Senk Chhour, the superstar artist of the Sherlock Holmes-inspired NIGHTMARE WORLD story "While You Sleep, I Destroy Your World," a story that remains to this day what I consider quite possibly the BEST story I ever wrote for the whole series. After not getting a chance to work with him for years -- only to then reconnect and find out he was also a fan of TALES OF MR. RHEE, well, here's a small taste of the end result:

An unlettered sample from the *KS Exclusive* Bonus Story "Friends in Low Places," written by Dirk Manning and illustrated by Senk Chhour! It was hard to find a page with no spoilers, so enjoy!

We're already closing in on the next Stretch Goal, which will unlock the second *KS Exclusive* bonus story, and then the final Round Two Stretch Goal will see both stories collected and upgraded into a free bonus physical comic, so please keep sharing this link with your horror-minded friends:

It's helping us all, friends... and the more people who pledge for books, the more we ALL get in return, as my whole goal is to keep paying it forward to all of you throughout this campaign.

And speaking of paying it forward...


Real talk, friends... if you're looking for one more horror comic -- and from Source Point Press, no less -- to support, I give my highest recommendation, endorsement, and support to CULT OF DRACULA  by Rich Davis.

Click the pic to be taken right to this amazing horror comic Kickstarter from my dude (and fellow Source Point Press creator) Rich Davis! Let's help get the book funded in these last few days!

Rich is a good dude, and with about two days left in his first Kickstarter campaign ever he's almost funded! I spoke to him Rich earlier today and asked him why he thinks RHEE readers (I will resist the obvious play on words... this time) and this is what he said:

"I  was very heavily inspired by reading H.P. Lovecraft growing up. I think  that comes across in CULT OF DRACULA. It's impossible to not be  influenced by his work really. The characters in CULT OF DRACULA would  fit right in with the people of Night Vale!"

As mentioned above, this is Rich's first campaign, and he's right at the finish line as the campaign is in its final hours. If you want to support some more great horror comics and get a great horror graphic novel in the process, go HERE and pledge while there's still time!

Here's a sneak peek at the interior art, too:

What is Dracula was not a stuffy European man... but really an immortal female creature who has been terrorizing humanity for ages?

I cannot stress enough what a popular book this has been for Source Point Press, and how happy you'll be to have this Kickstarter Exclusive Edition of the book in your library.


Thanks again, all! I'm off to Cherry Capital Comic Con in Traverse City, Michigan this weekend as part of this "10 Shows in 13 Weeks" tour that will be carrying me through to the end of the year. I'll be joined at this show my amazing guests (and friends) including Tony Schiavone of ALL ELITE WRESTLING, TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 editor Drena Jo,TALES OF MR. RHEE Volumes 1-4 editor (and now multi-time published writer) Leah Lederman, and more friends and collaborators.

If you can make it to the show, c'mon out and join us!

Thanks all! I hope to see you -- and be in touch about the next Stretch Goal being unlocked -- soon!

Keep spreading the world about this campaign using the link, and be sure to show CULT OF DRACULA some love, too!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Three days... three Stretch Goals unlocked!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 09:56:08 AM

Hello there, double-signed book plates!

I'm currently in a hotel room in prepping for Baltimore Comic Con tomorrow, but I'm absolutely delighted and excited to announce that we've unlocked the THIRD Stretch Goal as we close out the third day of the campaign!

Each KS Exclusive of RHEEv5 or OMNIBUS will now come with a *Kickstarter Exclusive* bookplate signed by me and RHEEv5 illustrator Austin McKinley! That's RHEE-ly cool!

This means that your Kickstarter Exclusive bookplate is now going to be DOUBLE-SIGNED by both me and illustrator Austin McKinley, who not only illustrated all of TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5, but also contributed art to RHEEv1 and RHEEv3 as well! DOUBLE SIGNATURES! How cool is that!

I know I've been seemingly saying this every day, but it's truly your enthusiasm -- and sharing -- that's making this possible, friends. If you know of others who may enjoy this Cthulhu Noir series we're offering, please tell them about the book and share this link with them so we can all unlock more Stretch Goals together:

Thanks again, everyone! I cannot tell you enough how much this means to me, to all of us on Team RHEE, and our whole team. Truly... THANK YOU!

Keep spreading the word and I'll be in touch soon... and if you'll be at Baltimore Comic Con this weekend come say "Hell-o!" at the Source Point Press booth!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

P.S. -- On Halloween weekend I'll be at Cherry Capital Comic Con in Traverse City, Michigan along with pro wrestling announcer Tony Schiavone among others, and I have a few more  conventions lined-up through December that can all be seen at on my new calendar/schedule!

Stretch Goal #2 unlocked! The autographs begin! Thank you!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 06:56:53 AM

Two Stretch Goals in one day?!?

Yes... RHEE-ly. You all freaking, ROCK, friends!

Just a little over an hour ago we blew past Stretch Goal #2, which you can now see in this new and improved graphic that's now on the front page of the campaign as well! Check it out:

Stretch Goal #2 has been unlocked... and so the autographs on a Kickstarter Exclusive bookplate begin!

Every TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover or TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE will now come with:

  • A new TALES OF MR. RHEE sticker
  • A *Kickstarter Exclusive* bookplate signed by me

Even as I type this we're already closing in on Stretch Goal #3, which will make the *Kickstarter Exclusive Bookplate* double-signed by both me and RHEEv5 illustrator Austin McKinley!

The best way to continue to unlock Stretch Goals is to let your friends know about the campaign. Have a Cthulhu fan in your life? Someone who loves horror? A fan of noir storytelling, perhaps? If so, encourage them to check out the campaign using this link:

Thanks again, everyone! I'll soon be off to Baltimore Comic Con as a guest of Source Point Press Friday and Saturday before the Ringo Awards ceremony Saturday night (last year's Kickstarter release BURIED BUT NOT DEAD has been nominated as "Best Original Graphic Novel of 2021", something I still can't believe I'm typing right now...), but if we unlock the next Stretch Goal when I'm there, rest assured I'll be in touch!

Thanks again, friends... for EVERYTHING! I'll be in touch soon, I hope!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning