Created by Dirk Manning
Dirk Manning's horror-noir series returns with a new volume, an Omnibus collecting Volumes 1-4 all in full color, and Cthulhu happens!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
We just made history, friends.
about 3 years ago
– Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 11:13:16 PM
Stretch Goal #10 was unlocked yesterday...
First and foremost, I'm absolutely over the moon to announce that as of yesterday we unlocked the TENTH Stretch Goal in this campaign, meaning EVERY pledge that includes at least one of the two *KS Exclusive* hardcovers will now include, along with the previous nine Stretch Goals, a TALES OF MR. RHEE art print illustrated by James O'Barr and signed by both me and Mr. O'Barr himself!
Oh, you know, a free art print signed by the creator of THE CROW. No big deal... (He said, moments before he fainted from excitement.)
But wait, there's more!
Then, tonight -- just a few moments ago -- we unlocked the ELEVENTH Stretch Goal, the TALES OF MR. RHEE: PUNCH ALL MONSTERS! video game.
In doing this we've made history, friends, as this is the first time a free video game has been offered to backers as part of an original graphic novel Kickstarter campaign.
We've made history. Together. All of us. We're all part of this, now, and you're part of the group that has set this new precedent. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Truly.
What's next? More Stretch Goals?
I legitimately did not expect to have unlocked the "ULTIMATE" Stretch Goal with TEN WHOLE DAYS left in the campaign, and I've already been in touch with Source Point Press about more Stretch Goal possibilities.
In the meantime, if you know of other people who would enjoy jumping-in on this campaign to get the graphic novels, and all ELEVEN *KS Excluisve* Stretch Goals, including the free download of the TALES OF MR. RHEE: PUNCH ALL MONSTERS! video game, please take a moment to share this link with them:
Thanks all. I am so grateful, honored, and thankful to be making history with you on this campaign. Oh... and here's a few peeks at some test samples from the game, too. Enjoy!
All the above video game samples and images are by video game designer -- and RHEEv5 illustrator -- Austin McKinley.
Thanks again, all. TRULY. I'll be in touch soon!
Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning
With ELEVEN Stretch Goals unlocked, what's next?
about 3 years ago
– Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 09:00:09 PM
Plans are afoot...
Hey all!
I legit did not expect that we would unlock all ELEVEN Stretch Goals with ten days left in the campaign, but rest assured, I'm actively working with publisher Source Point Press to implement a few more that we can strive to unlock before the campaign ends... and, yeah, I've got some cool ones in mind. I do love upgrading the *KS Exclusive* hardcovers of the books, after all...
I hope to have the new (Ultimate-Ultimate?) Stretch Goals listed before I head to Grand Rapids Comic Con this weekend, but keep in mind that the more people who are supporting this campaign, the more we will ALL get, so if you know of some people who may be interested in this campaign, especially now that we've also unlocked the TALES OF MR. RHEE: PUNCH ALL MONSTERS! video game for free, please be sure to direct them to this campaign by sharing this link with them:
The Few and Cursed is a supernatural post-apocalyptic western. It can almost be described as a Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets the Old West with a pinch of The Witcher for good measure.
It's been seventy years already since most of the water on the planet was simply gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event.
There's good water to be made hunting down beasts and monsters and Curse Chasers are always eager to help those in need (for the right flask of water of course). Enter the tough and mysterious Redhead.
Red is a hardened survivor traveling from town to town looking for scared whispers in the night and the right people to pay her to get rid of those whispers.
The Few and Cursed has had several successful Kickstarter campaigns and now returns for a new season and an exciting LIVE ACTION teaser! Cool, right? Click the link above to check it out!
In this volume, Stray has to make a choice; join Pax Mundi, the group in charge of policing masked heroes, or be an enemy of the state. When he decides to go rogue, War Horse, the leader of Pax Mundi, sends everyone after him. With no where to run and no one to turn to, will Stray tuck his tail and run? Or will he fight his way out of the corner he's been put into?
STRAY is a fun book and engaging superhero-style romp that's well-worth checking out if you're in the mood for a classic action style comic told with a refreshing modern sensibility.
Thanks, everyone! Truly!
I'm excited to have the option to continue to pay it forward to you with some great books (by me and some friends), the eleven Stretch Goals we have unlocked so far in this campaign that come with every pledge level that includes at least one *Kickstarter Exclusive* Hardcover, and I'm excited that we may be able to announce even in the days ahead!
Keep sharing the www.TalesOfMrRhee.com link with other horror comic fans you know and let's keep the "Stretch Goal Party" going, all!
Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning
Stretch Goal #9 unlocked! And both books are now *KS Exclusive* hardcovers, too!
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Nov 07, 2021 at 04:29:19 PM
So... much... free... swag!
Hey all!
Yesterday we unlocked the NINTH Stretch Goal, meaning that not only will any backer whose pledge includes a *KS Exclusive* Hardcover of either TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 of the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE will also get the *KS Exclusive* art print by James O'Barr, now signed by yours truly!
What's even more amazing is that as I type this we're only about $150 away from the TENTH Stretch Goal, which will upgrade the print yet again to include a signature by James O'Barr himself, too!
And then... we march towards unleashing the free download of the TALES OF MR. RHEE: "Punch All Monsters" video game. Yes... really!
Don't Forget: The Hardcover Editions are Kickstarter Exclusive!
As a friendly reminder, don't forget that the hardcover edition of TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 and the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE are both *Kickstarter Exclusive.* While these books will eventually be made available in comic ships and book stores nationwide through our publisher Source Point Press, the hardcover editions of the books will only be available through this campaign, friends. When these books are made available in the mass market, they will be softcover, TPB editions... so if you want the hardcover editions, make sure you're pledging accordingly!
Oh... and all the Stretch Goal bonuses are *Kickstarter Exclusive* too.
Most importantly... THANK YOU!
Those of you who've followed my work for a long time may remember when TALES OF MR. RHEE initially debuted as a self-published, one-page a week, online comic. To now be able to offer all of you a Hardcover Edition of VOLUME 5 of the series and be 700 pages into the whole story...
Friends, I know what an honor this is, and I wanted to take a moment to thank you yet again. THANK YOU.
If you know someone who may enjoy this series, please take a moment to share this link with them to they can join the fun and help us ALL unlock more Stretch Goals:
Stretch Goal #8 Unlocked! THE CROW now flies!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Nov 03, 2021 at 09:42:34 AM
We've unlocked the James O'Barr Art Print! It's now yours... for free!
This is a big one, friends. Anyone who has read WRITE OR WRONG: A WRITER'S GUIDE TO CREATING COMICS knows that THE CROW was one of the comics that got me to fall in love with the medium, and that being said, the influence of that series on RHEE is certainly undeniable.
Well, given this, I'm absolutely honored to announce that we've now unlocked the EIGHTH Stretch Goal, the first Stretch Goal of Round Three, which has unlocked the free JamesO'Barr art print as part of the Stretch Goal package which is now as follows:
*Kickstarter Exclusive* TALES OF MR. RHEE Bookplate signed by Dirk Manning and signed and given a remark headsketch by RHEEv5 illustrator Austin McKinley
*Kickstarter Exclusive* bonus comic featuring TWO new TALES OF MR. RHEE stories (that will be exclusive to this comic)
*Kickstarter Exclusive* James O'Barr art print of the cover of TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE
Free *Kickstarter Exclusive* Hardcover upgrade to the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE
That's a lot of free swag, friends... and we're only halfway through the campaign!
As a friendly reminder to what was mentioned above, also don't forget that the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE has now also been upgraded to a *Kickstarter Exclusive* Hardcover Edition of the book... for free, meaning that both this book and TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5: "Rockstar Paranoia" are now being offered as *Kickstarter Exclusive* Hardcover Editions of the books... and we're still offering *FREE U.S. SHIPPING* on every pledge level. In other words, what you see if what you pay at the end of the campaign with no hidden fees, friends.
Plan accordingly, and let's keep unlocking Stretch Goals! We're not only within striking distance of unlocking all three Round Three Stretch Goals, but also the free video game download, too!
Want to help us get there? Share the link to the campaign with at least one friend who you think will enjoy learning about this horror comic epic we're offering by giving them this link:
Happy Halloween! Treat details inside!
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Nov 02, 2021 at 10:05:00 PM
Happy Halloween, everyone!
Thanks to all of you we have passed 20K in the first 10 days on the campaign, and as a result I've been given the blessing of our publisher Source Point Press to officially go ahead on a special Halloween Treat for all of you:
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Every TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE is now being automatically upgraded to a *KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE* Deluxe Hardcover Edition of the book... for FREE!
You asked and we listened, friends! The TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE is now going to be upgraded to a *Kickstarter Exclusive* hardcover edition! This means that the only way to get the limited edition hardcover of this massive 550-page book will be via this campaign!
After the campaign ends, the hardcover editions of the OMNIBUS will be made print-to-order and never released in this format again, making it a special Halloween treat from me to you and a "thank you" for backing this campaign.
"What if I already have the first four volumes?"
I'm big on not trying to "double-dip" on my readers, which is why I went ahead and made the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE worthy of picking-up even if you already have the first four books. Aside from that amazing cover by James O'Barr (creator of THE CROW), I also went ahead and had the whole first volume of TALES OF MR. RHEE recolored to match Volumes Two, Three, and Four. Those of you who've already read RHEEv1 know that RHEEv1 was originally published both online and then later in print in grayscales so that it had an old-school "film noir" vibe... but now that we're collecting all four volumes in one massive book which will be the only way to get the first four volumes moving forward, I wanted to make sure there was a visually consistency to the stories.
Furthermore, after the campaign ends, when the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE is made available in book stores and comic shops, it will only be in a softcover "compendium" format. The only way to get this big ol' hardcover edition is through this campaign.
And, hey, who knows... depending how the campaign goes, maybe if we unlock the video game and need to add another Stretch Goal or two, maybe we can even upgrade the Hardcover Edition of the OMNIBUS a bit more!
So, if you want to treat yourself to the "fancy" edition of the OMNIBUS, I'd recommend pledging at the "Both Books" level for the special bundled price, friends.
OK... that being said, again, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I'm not off for the last day of Cherry Capital Comic Con, but I gotta get my Halloween costume on first. I wonder what it will be...
(Hint: Keep an eye on my Instagram and/or Facebook to see pics later today!)
Thanks again, everyone! You rock! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Now, let's unlock that James O'Barr print for Stretch Goal #8!